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29 cu. ft. SMART MyColor InstaView Standard-Depth MAX 4-Door French Door Refrige

29 cu. ft. SMART MyColor InstaView Standard-Depth MAX 4-Door French Door Refrige


Open box refrigerators,scratch and dent,never is,different condition different price! First come first served !

This 4-door Standard-Depth MAX refrigerator doesn't just give you space-it allows you to make a design statement and stand out from the crowd. Knock twice on the InstaView Door-in-Door window to illuminate the contents within. Change the color of the InstaView window lighting through My Color on your LG ThinQ app. Give your beverages the perfect ice for next level entertaining, with LG's exclusive Craft Ice. Convert the versatile Full-Convert Drawer into a fridge or freezer or choose from 5-temperature settings, to provide optimal storage for a range of items.

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